For far too long we have sent the message that Christians aren’t allowed to be stressed, worried, depressed, afraid or any of the other “negative” emotions. I want to tell you today that God is not immune to or abhorrent of our more negative states. John 11:35 records the fact that “Jesus wept”. Let’s just be clear, this is the same Jesus who knows the beginning from the end, who knows and sees all things and who is never surprised by anything. And yet, he was sad to the point of weeping. The Bible records all types of stories surrounding what we refer to a “negative” emotion….from David’s depression to Jonahs resentment to Peters impulsivity. It’s all in there. So let’s consider, if our emotions are a part of us created by God, could it be that they are here for a reason? Can we use our depressive states as a means of recognizing what things don’t fit for us and solicit Gods guidance into what’s good for us? David did. Can we use our anger to advance right practices when we see them? Jesus did. You're not a bad Christian if you experience negative emotions. You have and always will be a child of your father who created knowing full well all the things you would face and all the things you would feel. He’s also felt them too. So release yourself from the shame you’ve been made to experience because someone told you “you’re not trusting God enough”. He’s never gonna leave or forsake you. Trust Him.
